
Jul 21, 2010

1 Corinthians - William Styles

1 Cor. 3:9: “For we are labourers together with God.” Quoted to prove that the Spirit, conjointly with earnest ministers, labours to effect the salvation of men. Such, however, is not its meaning. Literally translated it runs, as in the Revised Version: “For we are God’s fellow-workers”—“together with God,” is positively incorrect. The Corinthians were prone to exalt one Christian minister above another. Some gave the precedence to Paul—others to Peter or Apollos. “But,” argues the Apostle, “he that plants and he that waters are one” in the nature of their ministry. “Paul and Apollos are but God’s servants, through whose testimony ye believed, even as the Lord gave (success) to each. So, then, we are God’s joint-labourers, alike engaged in God’s cause, and dependent on God’s blessing.” It does not meant that God associated Himself with them as a fellow-worker, but that as His servants, they laboured together in the same employment. Preeminent honour should not therefore be accorded to one above another.

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