
Oct 11, 2010

The highest reproach upon the dignity of the Son of God, and the merit of his blood - George Whitefield

“I would hint further, that you unjustly charge the doctrine of reprobation with blasphemy, whereas the doctrine of universal redemption, as you set it forth, is really the highest reproach upon the dignity of the Son of God, and the merit of his blood. Consider whether it be not rather blasphemy to say as you do, “Christ not only died for those that are saved, but also for those that perish.” The text you have misapplied to gloss over this, see explained by Ridgely, Edwards, Henry; and I purposely omit answering your texts myself so that you may be brought to read such treatises, which, under God, would show you your error. You cannot make good the assertion that Christ died for them that perish without holding (as Peter Bohler, one of the Moravian brethren, in order to make out universal redemption, lately frankly confessed in a letter) that all the damned souls would hereafter be brought out of hell. I cannot think Mr. Wesley is thus minded. And yet unless this can be proved, universal redemption, taken in a literal sense, falls entirely to the ground. For how can all be universally redeemed, if all are not finally saved? Dear Sir, for Jesus Christ’s sake, consider how you dishonour God by denying election. You plainly make salvation depend not on God’s free grace, but on man’s free-will. And if thus, it is more than probable, Jesus Christ would not have had the satisfaction of seeing the fruit of his death in the eternal salvation of one soul. Our preaching would then be vain, and all invitations for people to believe in him would also be in vain. But, blessed be God, our Lord knew for whom he died. There was an eternal compact between the Father and the Son. A certain number was then given him as the purchase and reward of his obedience and death. For these he prayed (Jn. 17:9), and not for the world. For these elect ones, and these only, he is now interceding, and with their salvation he will be fully satisfied.” -George Whitefield (From his letter to John Wesley)

A brief Bio of Whitefield:
“More than 18,000 sermons were to follow in his lifetime, an average of 500 a year, or ten a week, of course these were not all original, but as a travelling evangelist Whitefield was able to use many of them again and again in vary forms. It is to be regretted that less than 90 of these sermons have survived in any form… The largest audience he ever addressed was at Cambuslang, not far from Glasgow, where he spoke to around 100,000 people! He preached for an hour and a half to the tearful crowd. Converts from that one meeting numbered up to 10,000. Once he preached to 30,000; another day he had five services with 20,000 people at each. Afterwards he went on to the Scottish capital city of Edinburgh where he preached to another 20,000. In travelling from Glasgow to Edinburgh he preached to 10,000 souls every day. He loved it so much he cried out, “May I die preaching,”

Quoted from:

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