
Jan 22, 2013

Never divide or confound His intrinsic and meritorious worth - John Stevens

It is no dishonor to Christ to say, that his atonement is insufficient to save those whom he never knew, never loved, never intended to save. The design of our Lord in his sufferings limited their saving effects: the intrinsic worth of his person, and the meritorious worth of his acts, ought neither to be divided nor confounded. There could be no saving sufficiency in the atonement itself, which divine justice would fail to own and duly reward. If Christ has atoned for the sins of all men, punitive justice cannot smite any of them; if he has only atoned for the sins of many of them, justice cannot spare the rest of them. Our blessed Lord has never benefited any of his sinful creatures unintentionally; nor can they be bound to love and thank him for what he never intended to be for their spiritual advantage.

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