
Jan 22, 2013

Joseph Hussey Books (1660–1726)

God’s Operations of Grace But No Offers of Grace [Abridged Edition] by Joseph Hussey (140 pages)

JOSEPH HUSSEY, who is best known by his works, entitled "God's Operations of Grace, But No Offers of Grace," and his "Glory of Christ Unveiled," was, in the latter part of his life, a most zealous opponent of Arminianism in all its branches. In his dying moments, though in extreme pain, he was honored to bear some precious testimonies to the truths of discriminating grace, of which the following are a few. "One of the church asking him how his faith was exercised with regard to those doctrines he used to preach, he answered, “I am in the firm and full persuasion of all those truths I have preached, and die in the firm belief of them all.” Many of the church being in his chamber, he often dropped some spiritual observations that expressed the feelings of his mind on the occasion. A person asking him how he did, “I am,” said he, “waiting for my happy change, to be dissolved, and to be with Christ.” 'What do you take, sir? “ “I have no palate for any thing here, but my spiritual one is as good as ever to relish the doctrines of the gospel.” Being asked how he found it in his soul as to those doctrines he had delivered, he answered, '0 bravely! They are my main supports under my trials and pains. I find now the truth of what I have preached. They are not my notions or fancy, but the power of Christ to my soul.'

"Dozing at times, when he awaked, he would drop such words as follow. 'I have often sung the praises of God in the low lands, but oh! how long will it be before I come to the height of Zion, to sing to God and the Lamb upon the throne? Oh blessed death! it is a sweet thing to die, for Christ will then be all in all. 0 Lord, gather thine elect out of this sinful world unto Thyself.' He would occasionally break forth with many short sentences, such as these: 'Blessing, glory, honor, and praise be to God and the Lamb, for ever and ever. Sin is dreadful, but grace triumphs through Jesus Christ. Lord, be with me in my last conflicts, and leave me not. 0 let me have an abundant entrance into glory, to sing Thy praise.' Thus he continued testifying of Jesus Christ, and praising Him, until Tuesday, November 15, 1726, when he slept in the Lord, in the 67th year of his age."

(From Defense of Particular Redemption by William Rushton)

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