
May 2, 2010

Revelation 2 and Revelation 3 - John Gill

Revelation 2 and Revelation 3.

[1] Revelation 2:4, 5. Vid. Limborch, 1. 5. c. 83, sect. 19, p. 721; Whitby, p. 432, 458; ed. 2. 420, 438.

[2] Revelation 2:10. Vid. Whitby, p. 4,30, 431; ed. 2. 419,420.

[3] Ibid. p. 431; ed. 2. 420.

[4] Ibid p. 432; ed. 2. 420.

[5] Vide Whitby, p. 432,433; ed. 2. 420,421.

[6] Whitby, p. 422; ed. 2. 411.

[7] Revelation 3:16. Vide Remonstr. in Coil. Hag. art. t. p. 14.

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