
Aug 4, 2010

"The human race are included in the Covenant of Grace" - Engelsma and Neonomianism

The following quotes are from a discussion between George Ella and David Engelsma. The article with these quotes can be found HERE

“The specific issue that needs to be addressed is this, namely: Does “faith” as a condition of instrumentality and legal demand negates or compromises the Calvinistic doctrine of total depravity and sovereign particular and irresistible grace?”

“The answer is no. The legal demand of God is made known in the Ten Commandments. The sum total of the Law as epitomised by the Ten Commandments is a) Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart and strength; and b) Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

“The sum total of the Law is the essence of the Covenant which is fellowship between persons who are in a relationship. Therefore, the Law is encompassed by the Covenant as it is part of the Covenant of Grace. Since by nature all men are Covenant-breakers, the human race are included in the Covenant of Grace and are legally bound to it with threats of punishments and curses for non-performance. And the standard is that of perfection.”

This is neonomianism and the leaven which is the foundation of the federal vision movement. This quote implies justification by a new law which curses and blesses based on your faithfulness to obey.

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