
Jun 17, 2010


[this is the first chapter from a 400+ pg. volume]
Outlines of Solutions to critical Questions in Theology :
at Hcphzibah Chapel, Three Colt Street, Limehouse.
No. [ I.] SATURDAY, JANUARY Π, 1824. [Price 2d

Λt issuing this little work from the press, the religious public ought to be informed, that a Meeting is held, every Monday Evening, at, the above chapel, denominated a QUESTION MEETING; at which any theological question, proposed with a desire of receiving information or consolation, is discussed by the Author; and as those discussions have been graciously blessed of God, with a view of rendering them more extensively useful, Mr. Home complies with the request of his friends, to print the OUTLINES of each answer, that they may peruse in epitome, what they heard more largely in public: and that others, who have not an opportunity of hearing may be benefitted by reading what the Author wishes to be considered but outlines of his Monday Evening addresses.

Jun 12, 2010

DUTY FAITH [follow-up] - by W. KITCHEN

This letter is a follow up to the first letter HERE


To the Editors of the Primitive Church Magazine.

DEAR SIRS,—In reference to the letter from Mr. Peake, in your issue for September, permit me to recall attention to a quotation from my article “on duty faith in several relations,” as it is to be found in your number for August, p. 179, col. 1. In that passage I defined the class of Christians to whom my arguments were solely addressed. I was aware that the line of argument I adopted would not tell upon such as differed from me in respect of the doctrines therein specified; and it is obvious to every reader that I had no intention to enter into the question in all its ramifications, but only to present it in a few special points of view. As Mr. Peake shifts the argument from the basis on which I had rested it, and in order to maintain his views, affirms in effect, conditional election, conditional redemption, and conditional salvation, I do not feel called upon to follow him in that direction. To discuss the question on his grounds would require of us to go back to the primary doctrines of the gospel, and further than that: a task which I have not now leisure to attempt.

Jun 7, 2010

Justification from Eternity by Bill McDaniel

Justification from Eternity by Bill McDaniel HERE

Preached on Sunday June 6th, 2010

Sermon details:
The doctrine of justification (legal declaration of righteousness) is essential to understanding Christian salvation. The eternal plan of God includes the Lamb, Jesus Christ, slain before the foundation of the world.

Crucified with Christ (Romans 6) - Robert Hawker

"I cannot propose to enlarge on every particular the Apostle hath here stated. It would swell our pages too much. But it will be sufficient to observe, that as Paul refers the whole of what he advanceth, as so many consequences arising out of baptism; it must follow, that he could mean no other than the baptisms of the Holy Ghost. Water baptism, under whatever form administered, could never produce such blessed effects. The regeneration of the soul is the only cause of life, for being planted in the likeness of Christ's death; and the only way by which the old man of sin becomes crucified with Christ, And very blessed it is, when, from the baptism of the Holy Ghost at regeneration, the soul is quickened, which was dead in trespasses and sins; and is led to trace, that grace-union with Christ, whereby, from the Father's gift, before the foundation of the world, being chosen in him, now in the time-state of the Church Christ hath accomplished the salvation of his people; and God the Spirit, by the washing of regeneration, brings the soul from darkness to light, and from the power of sin and Satan, to the living God; Ephesians 1:4; Colossians 1:13-14; Titus 3:4-7.

I cannot refrain, however, from detaining the Reader to a short observation on that sweet verse, where the Apostle, speaking of a oneness, and union, and interest in Christ, declares our participation both in the death and life of Jesus. Now, (saith he,) if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. Reader! pause and calculate if you can, the blessedness of both states. Dead with Christ! When Jesus died on the cross, he died as the Head and Husband of his body the Church. He hung there the Public Representative of his Spouse, for whom he died. And every individual member of his mystical body was crucified with him. Precisely as our first father in the garden, when he sinned, all his natural seed then in his loins, sinned in him, and with him; and were equally involved in all the eventual consequences of that sin: So, in like manner, when Christ died for sin on the cross, all his spiritual seed werein him, and partook in all the blessedness of it; that is to say, in all the benefits of it, while He alone had all the glory.

Now then, (saith Paul,) if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him. And, without all question, his seed, his people, have an equal privilege in all the benefits of his life, as they have in his death.Because I live, (saith Jesus,) ye shall live also,John 14:19. Yea, they are united to him, and are one with him. The Person of Christ, that is,God and man in one, is united to every believer. And every believer, body, soul, and spirit, is united to the Person of Christ; John 17:21-23; 1 Thessalonians 5:23." - Robert Hawker's commentary on Romans 6

Jun 4, 2010

The duty-faith Arminian - Daniel Whitby

Duty faith is the teaching that every soul who hears the gospel has is duty bound to receive the blessings of Christ redemption by faith or to believe to the saving of his soul.

Daniel Whitby (the great Arminian) says,

"Now if it were the duty, even of them who perish under the preaching of the gospel, to own Christ as their Saviour, and to believe to the salvation of their souls, it follows either that it is, and, in all generations since our Saviour's coming, was, their duty to believe a lie, and to apply that to them which belonged not to them; or that Christ's death might truly have been applied to, and therefore was most certainly intended for, the salvation of those souls that perish."

"Hence it will follow, that neither the elect nor non-elect can rationally be exhorted to believe: not they who are not elected, because Christ died not for them: not the elect, for he that knows himself to be one of that number, hath believed and repented already; if he do not know this, he cannot know that Christ died for him, and so he cannot know it is his duty to believe in him for salvation. Whereas if you assert " Christ died for all," then may you rationally exhort all men to believe, since every one must know that he who died for all, died for him also, and therefore that it is his duty to believe in him for salvation."

"A FARTHER enforcement of this extent of the death of Christ ariseth from the obligation which is, and always was, upon all persons to whom the gospel is or was revealed, to believe in Christ: For if it be the duty, not only of some few of every sort, but even of all and singular to whom the gospel is revealed, to believe in Christ, that is, to own him as their Saviour, or as that Jesus who came to save them from their sins; it must be true that he.came into the world to be the Saviour of all men, and to be the Propitiation for the sins of the whole world, as holy scripture doth expressly teach."

-Daniel Whitby, from his "Discourse" on the grace of God.

Jun 2, 2010

The General Creed of the Present Hour - Robert Hawker

"An ignorance of Christ's righteousness, and a supposed preparation for acceptance with God in a righteousness of our own, is the general creed of the present hour. The great mass of those who profess the Gospel, if engaged at all in a concern for salvation, is prosecuting the hope of acceptance, partly by the deeds of the law, and partly by the grace of Christ. But, this is neither law nor Gospel. It is not the law, for a curse is pronounced upon every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them, Galatians 3:10.Neither is it the Gospel, for there we are expressly said to be saved by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves, for it is the gift of God, and not of works, lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8-9." -Robert Hawker, Commentary on Romans 10:1-4

Duty-faith Expositions

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